This chapter is entitled Gopi Geetha and it describes when Krishna was dancing with the Gopis in Vrindavan. There were 16,000 Gopis dancing with 16,000 Krishnas. In the center Krishna was dancing alone with Srimati Radharani.
All of a sudden Srimati Radharani left the rasa dance and then Krishna also left, went out in search. Then Krishna found Radharani and at one point Krishna disappeared from Her also so then the Gopis started to search for Krishna in the forest of Vrindavan. Searching they came to the bank of Yamuna and they started to express their agony of their hearts and that is the 31st chapter of Srimad Bhagavatam, 10th Canto known as Gopi Geet.
This ninth verse bears a very special significance not only because the Gopis sang it but because this verse is indicating the glory of Krishna Consciousness, the glory of singing Krishna’s greatness.
Tava means yours and kathamrtam means the Nectarian narrations about You, O Krishna, the Gopis are saying. Tapta-jivanam the living entities those who are suffering in this material world, these Nectarian narrations of Krishna extinguishes the forest fire of suffering condition. As you sing every morning samsara-davanala-lidha-loka. Living entities living in this material nature are suffering from a very stressful, painful situation which is compared to a forest fire and Srila Prabhupada pointed out why this forest fire because no one lights the forest fire it automatically lights up similarly, our suffering condition comes to us without inviting or making any effort, it comes on its own and we are suffering. But the Nectarian words of Krishna extinguishes the fire of suffering condition, relieves us from the suffering condition. The glories of Krishna are sung by kavis, the most exalted spiritual personalities like Lord Brahma, Narada, Lord Shiva, these exalted personalities sing the influence of Krishna katha. kavibhir iditam kalmasapaham, kalmasapaham means impurities, the impurities are washed away just by hearing this, Krishna Katha. sravana-mangalam, when we hear Krishna katha it brings all auspiciousness, just by hearing we receive auspiciousness. srimad atatam it brings all the wealth and opulence of spiritual advancement. This is the punch line bhuvi grnanti, those who distribute this Krishna Consciousness all over the world bhuri-da janah they are the most munificent personalities. They are the givers of the greatest benedictions. This is the general meaning of this particular verse.
Now we go to Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s pastimes, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu after taking sanyas He went to Jagannatha Puri, the King of Orissa at that time, a very powerful king, King Prataparudra, he was so powerful although all of India was taken over by Muslims that was the only state that retained its sovereignty because the Muslims could not defeat him rather, he defeated all those Muslims. King Prataparudra was a great devotee of Lord Jagannatha and King Prataparudra when he got to know that Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu came to Jagannatha Puri and that He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself, King Prataparudra wanted to see Chaitanya Mahaprabhu by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu refused, He said “A sanyasis business is not to deal with such mundane personalities like a king who is naturally involved in materialistic activities. King Prataparudra tried in many ways, like Ramananda Raya was his governor, Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya was the scholar of his court, they all were closely connected with Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. So, he appealed to Chaitanya Mahaprabhu through them so that He gives him and audience and Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu declined. When they persuaded that Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said if you keep on insisting then I am going to leave this place you all stay with the King. They all became very worried. This is how Chaitanya Mahaprabhu refused to see King Prataparudra. Then came the Ratha Yatra time and Lord Chaitanya was dancing in front of Lord Jagannatha’s chariot and in course of this Ratha Yatra the chariot come to a place where the chariot stops and the Lord receives offerings from everyone, can go and make an offering to Lord Jagannatha.
So, when the chariot stopped and Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu went to the adjacent garden because he was tired from dancing so He was lying under a tree and at that time King Prataparudra disguised as an ordinary villager came there and started to massage Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s lotus feet and while he was massaging His lotus feet.
He was chanting the verses from the 10th Canto, 31st chapter when he came to this particular verse:
SB 10.31.9
tava kathamrtam tapta-jivanam
kavibhir iditam kalmasapaham
sravana-mangalam srimad atatam
bhuvi grnanti ye bhuri-da janah
When he sang the last line bhuvi grnanti ye bhuri-da janah, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu jumped up and the personality whom He didn’t even want to see He embraced him and kept on saying bhuri-da buri-da, indeed he is the most munificent, indeed he is the most munificent. Now why did He say that? Who was He indicating? Ordinary people will think that this is indicating Chaitanya Mahaprabhu who is distributing Krishna Consciousness all over the world but naturally Chaitanya Mahaprabhu did not accept it for Himself. He actually indicated that yes indeed a personality will come who will spread Krishna Consciousness all over the world. And that is why He was so excited and embraced King Prataparudra and kept on saying, “Yes, he is the most munificent, he is the most munificent.” Who is that personality? Srila Prabhupada.
Prior to that who spread Krishna Consciousness all over the world? Did anyone do that? Yes, Mahaprabhu spread it all over India but all over the world bhuvi grnanti, all over the world, one who spreads this Krishna Consciousness all over the world He is most munificent. So, in this way we can see Prabhupada’s appearance was forecasted 5000 years ago by the Gopis, 500 years ago by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. And today we can see how this statement has become a reality. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Himself has said, “Prthi vite ache yato nagaradi grama sarvatra pracar hoibe mora nama.” As many towns and villages all over this holy Name, Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. It may not have spread all over the world in every town and village but it has spread quite extensively fulfilling that prediction and in reality, what’s going to happen in course of time? Yes, it will spread in every town and village. Can the word of the Supreme Personality of Godhead go in vain? Never. So, when He says it will spread all over the world in every town and village, we can rest assured with a shadow of doubt that it is going to happen! Guru Maharaja then sings Gopi Geet.
When he sang the last line bhuvi grnanti ye bhuri-da janah, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu jumped up and the personality whom He didn’t even want to see He embraced him and kept on saying bhuri-da buri-da, indeed he is the most munificent, indeed he is the most munificent. Now why did He say that? Who was He indicating? Ordinary people will think that this is indicating Chaitanya Mahaprabhu who is distributing Krishna Consciousness all over the world but naturally Chaitanya Mahaprabhu did not accept it for Himself. He actually indicated that yes indeed a personality will come who will spread Krishna Consciousness all over the world. And that is why He was so excited and embraced King Prataparudra and kept on saying, “Yes, he is the most munificent, he is the most munificent.” Who is that personality? Srila Prabhupada.
Prior to that who spread Krishna Consciousness all over the world? Did anyone do that? Yes, Mahaprabhu spread it all over India but all over the world bhuvi grnanti, all over the world, one who spreads this Krishna Consciousness all over the world He is most munificent. So, in this way we can see Prabhupada’s appearance was forecasted 5000 years ago by the Gopis, 500 years ago by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
- The impurities are washed away just by hearing this, Krishna Katha, and
- When we hear Krishna katha it brings all auspiciousness, just by hearing we receive auspiciousness and it brings all the wealth and opulence of spiritual advancement.
(The content of this E-magazine is based a lecture given by His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami on the YouTube channel, Bhakti Charu Swami Media, entitled “Special session on Inconceivable achievements of Srila Prabhupada in just 10 years” released 30 September 2021)
(Compiled and Edited by Hemavati Radhika Devi Dasi)