- Questions and Answers with Guru Maharaja;
- Srila Prabhupada's Appreciation;
- Guru Maharaja’s Instructions;
Q: Does the disciple look for the Guru or does the Guru find the disciple?
A: When we come across a bona fide spiritual master then it’s up to us to surrender to him so the onus is actually on the disciple, the Guru is not going to say come and take initiation from me, he may say take to this path, he will preach but it’s up to the disciple to surrender. When the disciple surrenders then the Guru accepts him just like when Arjuna surrendered to Krishna only then Krishna started to give him the advice and spiritual guidance.
Q: Krishna in Caitanya Caritamrita comes only once in Brahma’s day so does Srila Prabhupada come also only once and establish ISKCON or does Srila Prabhupada come every catur yuga?
A: Krishna comes once in a day of Brahma and in the following Kali Yuga Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu comes and following Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s plan Srila Prabhupada comes and then Prabhupada never leaves. Prabhupada just stays here for 10 000 years to make sure that all of us are properly situated in Krishna Consciousness. Prabhupada is present in the form of ISKCON.
Q: How do we come out of the fault-finding tendencies and respect devotees even whom we see faults?
A: Amanina manadena. Don’t try to judge others rather judge yourself. We have a very wonderful quality to find faults we are very expert and the best way to utilize that wonderful quality is to try to find fault in ourselves, why misuse that quality to others why not apply it to yourself and that will be the perfect utilization of that faculty.
Q: Srila Prabhupada did so much for us so how do we reciprocate?
A: Very good question. The best way to reciprocate is always remember what Prabhupada has done and remain grateful to Srila Prabhupada. The best way to reciprocate is by helping Prabhupada’s mission. Prabhupada himself said that your love for me will be shown by how you co-operate with each other to continue this mission. Try to work together with other devotees to spread Krishna Consciousness or those who are spreading Krishna Consciousness movement try to assist them and help them.
Q: How to be grateful to the Lord in all conditions because I find it difficult?
A: The ideal condition for a devotee is to be grateful to the Lord and the way to become situated is that state is by recognizing that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is taking care of us in such a wonderful way. Be thankful to Him for everything that happens to us. When we enjoy some situation when you are happy, for our happiness who should we give credit to? Who made this arrangement for our happiness? The Supreme Personality of Godhead but sometimes we are in distressful situations so what we should this about these distressful situations? It’s my karma. What actually happens for the good happenings in our lives we want to take the credit ourselves it’s my credit I got all these arrangements made and when something goes wrong why did Krishna do this to me? For good things we want to take the credit and for bad things we want to give the blame to Krishna now reverse that situation for good things thank Krishna and for bad things blame yourself and that is the way to remain grateful to Krishna all the time.
Q: How can we go back to Godhead when we have not purified our consciousness?
A: You cannot go back to Godhead unless you purify your consciousness. Therefore, purify your consciousness. Do you know how to purify your consciousness? By chanting: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare, ceto-darpana-marjanam this chanting of the holy name of the Lord cleanses the mirror of our mind and purifies our consciousness.
Q: Does harinaam sankirtan remove all bad karma in previous birth and purify the soul?
A: Yes. The way to pray to the Lord in this age is to chant the holy name that is why we chant all the time and ask others to chant the holy name. Not only will it purify us when someone hears they will also get benefit. Loud chanting and inviting everyone to come and participate and up to the extent the sound vibration goes to that extent sins will get purified. The atmosphere gets purified of adverse effects.
Q: I am trying to chant and my mind troubles me so much what can I do to improve chanting?
A: Chanting has three phases namely: Practicing; Tasting; and Perfecting. Firstly, we are not perfect so we have difficulties. It is like riding a bike you have to practice and you fall and thought of giving up but one fine morning you were riding perfectly. By practice only you get perfection. Even if you not chanting perfectly keep on chanting. When the mind drifts and you are concerned about it bring the mind back. Where should the mind be when chanting? Chanting is the sound and the Lord is present in the sound and you receive sound by hearing so mind should be in hearing. Sravanam, kirtanam. Hear and chant, chant and hear. Make it a point to hear attentively and bring the mind back. Attentive hearing.
The best way to reciprocate is always remember what Prabhupada has done and remain grateful to Srila Prabhupada. The best way to reciprocate is by helping Prabhupada’s mission. Prabhupada himself said that your love for me will be shown by how you cooperate with each other to continue this mission. Try to work together with other devotees to spread Krishna Consciousness or those who are spreading Krishna Consciousness movement try to assist them and help them.
Krsna Consciousness is so valuable that if you accumulate all the wealth of this world, still it will not match it.
(The content of this E-magazine is based on Questions and Answers)
(Compiled and Edited by Hemavati Radhika Dasi)